Contents : - Nursing's patterns of knowing - Nursing theory as an expressions of empirics - Emergency of nursing theory - And more topics
Buku kecil ini membahas mengenai issu yang berkembang di penghujung abad XX mengenai kualitas sumber daya manusia, dalam keadaan kehidupan maju dan modern melanda ke seluruh pelook dunia. Di satu pihak kemajuan dan perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi yang sangat pesat, ternyata telah meningkatkan kebutuhan manusia yang berpengaruh pada standar kehidupan.
Contents : - Language, meanings, structure and relationships - Theory, research, and reasoning - Reasoning and technology - Support theory - Foundations of nursing theory - Nursing theory - Theory evaluation - Indroction to research - Theory and practice - Multidisciplinary theory.
Topic covered : - Introduction to theory - Nursing theories - Shared theories used by nurses - Application of theory in nursing
Topic discussed : - The nursing discipline and the development of nursing knowledge - Conceptualizations of human beings, health, environment, and nursing practice - Contemporary persepctives on nursing - Interrelationships among nursing theory, research and practice - The future advanced nursing practice