Memberikan perawat atau siswa perawat suatu panduan rujukan cepat untuk digunakan dalam lingkungan klinik. • Pengkajian meliputi riwayat pasien, psikiatri, nutrisi, nyeri, saraf kranial: • Proses Keperawatan dengan diagnosa keperawatan yang telah diakui oleh NANDA. • Obat-obatan, pemeriksaan laboratorium, diit. • Tabel-tabel tentang prosedur isolasi dan penyakit menular. • Pember…
Contents; - Introduction to the Research Process in Nursing - The Research Process - The Use of Nurshing Research
Contents : Unit 1 : The Nature of Nursing Unit 2 : Contemporay healthcare Unit 3 : The nursing process Unit 4 : Integral aspects of nursing Unit 5 : Health beliefs and practices Unit 6 : Lifespan development Unit 7 : Assessing health Unit 8 : Integral components of client care Unit 9 : Promoting psychosocial health Unit 10 : Promoting physiologic health. -
Contents : - Introduction to the professionalization of nursing - Perpectiveson the professionalization of nursing - Developmeny of a scientific knowledge ease for nursing practice
Contents : - Pros and cons - Promises, promises and other propaganda - Precreation - Procuring professional life - Profit and loss - Prephet sharing - and more topics
Buku Saku populer ini memberikan semua yang Anda perlu ketahui tentang permintaan pemeriksaan laboratorium dan diagnostik umum. Nilai rujukan/ hasil normal, prosedur untuk pemeriksaan, masalah klinis yang relevan, efek obat, juga termasuk di dalamnya implikasi keperawatan.. Keistimewaan Edisi kedua * 350 pemeriksaan laboratorium dan dignostik yang disusun secara alfabetik 50 pemeriksaan baru…
Contents : - Historical overview - Evolution of nursing science and practice - Economic's of health care - Culturaal influences on nursing
Contents : - Nursing's patterns of knowing - Nursing theory as an expressions of empirics - Emergency of nursing theory - And more topics
Contents : - Understanding the development of nursing as a professions - Legal and ethical eccountability for practice - Ekonomic and political aspects of health care delivery - Career opportunities and professional growth
Contents : - Nursing research-roles, approaches and issues - The research proces using research in the care of patients - Critique and application using research practice
- Generral nursing care of surgical patients - Nursing care of patients who have neoplastic disorders - Nursing care of patients who have fluid and electrolyte imbalance - Nursing care of patiets who have caediovascular disorders - Nursing care of patients who have hematopoietic disorders - Nursing care of patients who have pulmonary disorders - Nursing care of patients who care gastroint…
- Discovery of the world of mursing research - The evolution of research i8n nursing - Introduction to quantitative research - Introducation to qualitative research - Ethics and research.
Buku ini bercerita tentang penyusunan asuhan keperawatan maupun dalam keseluruhan proses keperawatan dengan kontruksi bahasa inggris yang benar.
Contents : - Structures foundations of management - Processes, The Functions of Management