Brief Contents : Levels of organization of the human body; The integumentary system; The skeletal system; The muscular system; The nervous system; The nervous system - blood; The cardiovascular system - hearth and vesseis; The lymphatic system; The respiratory system; The digestive system; The excreatory/urinary system; The male reproductive system; The female reproductive system.
Contents : The human body; Genetics; Chemical organization; Integumentary system; Muskuloskeletal system; Endocrine system; Neurosensory system; Cardiovascular system; Immune system; Respiratory system; Gastrointestinal system; Nutrition and metabolism; Urinary system; Fluids, electrolytes, acid, and bases; Reproductive system; Reproduction and lactation.
Contents : - The human body - Recognizing anatomical terms - Your cells and tissues - Crossing the cell membrane using cellular transport - DNA, RNA and cell reproduction - Your skeleton explained - Your muscles and how they work - Your heart and the blood it pumps - And more topic
Contents : - The Human Body ; An Orientation - Basic Chemistrt - Cells and Tissues - Skin and body membranes - The skeletal system - The muscular system - The Nervous system - Special senses - The endrocrie system - Blood - The cardiavascular system - The lymphatic system and body defense - The respiratory system - The digestive system and body metabolism - Nutrition and metabol…
Topics covered in this book : - Organization of the body - Covering, support and movement of the body - Regulation and integration of the body - Maintance of the body - Continuity.
Brief Contents : - The human body: an orientation, Cell : the living units, Basic embryology, Tissue, The integumentary system, Bones and skeletal tissues, Bones, Joints, Skeletal muscle tissue, Muscles of the body, Fundamentals of the nervous system and nervous tissue, The central nervous system, The peripheral nervous system, The autonomic nervous system and visceral sensory neurons, The sp…
Brief Contents : - Histology of basic tissues and select organs - Bones of the human skeleton - Soft tissues of the human body.
Brief Contents : - Level of organization - Cell structure - Tissues - Epithelial Tissue - Mucle tissue - Nervous and connective tissue - System of the body - Integumentary system - Skeletal system - Muscular system - Nervous system - Circulatory system - Lymphatic system - Endrocrine system - Respiratory system - Digestive system - Urinary system - Reproductive system.
Brief Contents : Visual system; Cornea and sclera; Uvea; Retina; Cystalline Lens; Aqueous and Vitreous humors; Ocular embryology; Bones of the skull and orbit; Ocular adnexa and lacrimal system; Extraocular muscles; Orbital blood supply; Crania nerve inervation of ocular structures; Visual pathway; Autonomic innervation of ocular structures.
Material Covered : - An introduction to anatomy and physiology - Chemical level of organization - Cell and tissues - The integumentary system - The skeletal system - The muscular system - The central nervous system - The peripheral and autonomic nervous system - The sense - The endocrine system - Blood and blood vessels - The heart and cardiovascular function - The lymphatic system…
Buku ini membahas tentang penyakit yang terjadi pada jantung, asuhan keperawatan yang perlu diberikan, serta anatomi dan fisiologi jantung. Penyakit kardiovaskular merupakan penyakit yang paling sering terjadi pada usia dewasa, baik yang bersifat akut maupun kronis. Jumlah pengidapnya semakin bertambah seiring perubahan pola hidup yang kurang sehat.