The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive picture of cuisines found thoughout the world by presenting information about the food and culture as well as recipes. Explanation focuses on the development of each cuisine, therefore making the evolution seem both logical and natural. This is accomplished through an understanding of many issues that molded the cuisine. Each chapter is divide…
This book is based on the need for a sound education and training in food hygiene and sanitation for personnel employed in the food industry. It lays emphasis on the practical aspects of developing, implementing, evaluating and managing a sanitation program that seem to be lacking.
lmu pangan merupakan disiplin ilmu yang unik dibandingkan disiplin ilmu lain karena bidang ini sarat dengan orientasi komersial. ilmu pangan merupakan kekuatan teknis industri pangan, tempat sebagian besar insinyur pangan bekerja. meskipun para akademisi pangan mengakui pentingnya aspek komersial dalam bidang ini, mereka juga memiliki komitmen untuk menjadi sumber pengetahuan yang tidak bias ba…
he general purpose of this text is to introduce basic principles of scientific nutrition and present their appli- cations in person-centered care. As in previous editions, basic concepts are carefully explained when introduced
The book presents information on growth and development, nutrient needs of infants and children, and the clinical approach to collecting and assessing food intake information before the discussions on infancy, preschool-age, school-age, and adolescent children. Two chapters focus on the development of food patterns and the other addresses current research and practice. These discussions are fol…
Food microbiology studies the role of microorganisms in foods. It includes aspects of microbial ecology in food as well as the use of microorganisms for production of ingredients and foods. Moreover, some microorganisms represent a major challenge for public health due to their ability to cause diseases.
Meningkatnya penemuan-penemuan baru di bidang teknik, metode, dan pengetahuan masing-masing ilmu tersebut maupun hasil proses pemasyarakatan ilmu gizi itu sendiri, menyebabkan® perkembangan ilmu gizi sangat pesat terjadi di dalam maupun di luar negeri, terutama dalam tahun-tahun delapan puluhan ini. Kemajuan-kemajuan di bidang gizi ini, dirangkum oleh para ahli gizi dalam seri ini, suatu baca…
The second edition of Nutrition Through the Life Cycle differs from the first in a number of ways: * Information on Dietary Reference Intakes released through spring 2004 is incorporated throughout the text. * Case studies are included in Chapters 2 through 19 and conform to a standard format. Questions for students appear at the end of each case study, and answers to the questions are provid…
Section I: The Nutrition Care Process : Nutrition Care Process and Model Article. Section II: Development of Standardized Language : ADA's Standardized Language Model and Current Status Section III: Introduction to Nutrition Diagnosis : Introduction to Nutrition Diagnosis. Section IV: Nutrition Diagnosis Terms and Definitions : Nutrition Terms and Definitions.. Section V: Nutrition Diagnosi…
Pediatric Nutrition, Fourth Edition covers nutrition guidelines from preconception through neonatal, including normal growth, inborn errors, acute care medical conditions like diabetes, and cardiac and pulmonary issues. It covers the latest clinical research, accepted practice protocols, and study of the normal child from preconception through adolescence. In a practical and detailed manner, th…
Real Food mengungkapkan mengapa makanan-makanan tradisional tidak hanya bagus untuk para petani dan planet yang kita tinggali, melainkan untuk kita semua. Dalam bab-bab yang personal dan hidup perihal memproduksi bahan olahan susu, daging, ikan, cokelat, dan makanan alami lainnya. Nina menjelaskan bagaimana makanan-makanan yang diwariskan turun-temurun seperti daging sapi dan mentega telah sa…
For good health, women need to pay special attention to calcium, iron and folate (folic acid) intake. A healthy diet also should minimize the intake of fat and sugar. Diets high in saturated or trans fat can promote high levels of blood cholesterol and increase risk for heart disease.
Krause's Food, Nutrition, & Diet Therapy is a classic textbook in the field of nutrition and diet therapy, providing a wealth of information on nutrition basics, nutrition throughout the life cycle, nutrition care, nutrition for health and fitness, and medical nutrition therapy. Always up-to-date with the most current information available, this outstanding resource recognizes the increasing im…
Since the publication of the last version of the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowances (NRC, 1989a) and of the Canadian Recommended Nutrient Intakes (Health Canada, 1990), there has been a significant expansion of the research base, an increased understanding of nutrient requirements and food constituents, and a better appreciation for the different types of nutrient data needed to address the ap…
he final section investigates the possibility for novel sources for health promotion. Wild-Type Food in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Mikrobiologi pangan adalah studi terhadap mikroorganisme yang mendiami, membuat, hingga yang merusak makanan.[1] Probiotik yang merupakan bakteri yang baik, menjadi sub-bidang pembahasan yang penting dalam mikrobiologi pangan.[2][3][4] Mikroorganisme juga merupakan bagian penting dalam berbagai jenis bahan pangan seperti keju, yoghurt, roti, bir, tempe, dan oncom.
Makanan sehat dibutuhkan tubuh untuk menjaga fungsi organ dan memastikan kinerjanya. Secara umum, jenis makanan yang tergolong dalam kelompok makanan sehat
Di dalam buku ini, kami membahas konsep nutrisi dari sudut pandang medis dan diet tradisional China. Kami berusaha sepraktis mungkin dalam memberikan saran dan pesan dalam pemilihan makanan yang harus dihindari atau yang perlu Anda makan untuk kesehatan Anda sendiri.
Buku Mikrobiologi Pangan Jilid 1 ini berisi pengetahuan dasar mengenai struktur dan sifat jasad renik, terutama yang terdapat pada bahan pangan, serta jenis dan sifat-sifat jasad renik pangan