In this edition, we address the broad range of problems related to the health and welfare of infants, children, and adolescents that are faced by practitioners, house staff, and medical students. Our goal is to be comprehensive, concise, and reader deatl friendly within one volume. We have tried to do this in a manner that acknowledges both the science and the art of pediatrics.
The publication of the Fifteenth Edition of Nelson Textbook of tediatrics reflects an era of accelerating growth in our basic knowledge of human biology and further understanding about health and disease in children. These advances are being translated into a broad spectrum of new diagnostic, treatment, and prevention modalities. Nevertheless, many children are still deprived of the opportunity…
- Bidang pediarti - Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan - Gangguan psikologis - Persoalan sosial - Anak dengan kebutuhan kesehatan khusus - Nutrisi - Patofisiolgi cairan tubuh dan terapi cairan - Anak sakit akut - Genetika manusia - Peyakit-penyakit metabolik -Janin dan bayi neonatus - Infeksi pada bayi baru lahir - Masalah-masalah kesehatan khusus selama masa remaja - Sistem Imunologis …